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Thursday, October 23, 2008

beth 'brainless' mugo vs NEMA

Well... after beth mugo (supposedly the minister for public health & sanitation)... but who acts like a total moron... fought with NEMA when they shut down a filthy abbatoir should go look at the the abbatoir AFTER they were forced to do the right thing...

Even then I think it's better to be a vegetarian...


Shiko-Msa said...

Good to see the cleanup. It's tempting to be a vegetarian alright. I was suggesting the same until someone told me about the water they use to grow the vegetables and where some of it comes from. Now what are we to eat? And how well will a Cold Tusker go with Sukuma?

coldtusker said...

About the water they used... there is a different 'biological' process...

It turns out that slaughter (which I have never done) is quite dirty. Even feces gets onto the meat & most people do not 'wash' meat.

Anyway, the vegetables 'absorb' the nutrients from the effluent. The problem is when the sukuma is not WASHED properly.

Actually, at these prices & current income... I might give up Tusker as well.